Is it a different sculpt from the proto? Or just different paint? I thought the proto looked fine in the initial pics, but now ... it's feeling a little Shia LeBoeuf-y to me now ...
Happens too often that the sculpt is messed in the production process, at least in Threezero, Asmus and Star Ace. Then you get a third party figure like Tywin or the last Aquaman, and I'm blown away with the sculpt quality. How some brands can do an almost Hot Toys job for really cheap, and other brands doing tons of licensed figures aren't able to reach that quality, that's beyond me.
The sculpt is there the paint isnt but the tailoring looks exceptional. Now thats settled, just waiting how Night King would turn out. No more will I PO threezero figures until final product is release to the masses
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Any info on this or just guessing because of the high price it commands?
I would say yes. Considering this is only their second offering of a neckless body you would want to see what it looks like. Of course the only problem is that you don't have any experience with them so it might be hard to gauge the right size for an adapter. Let's hope it'll just use a regular HT. I have one I'm not using and I'll send it along to you no charge when the time comes if you like.Yep, $60. Well worth it, too. And boy am I glad to have bought two. The only other one I've seen for sale is on ebay going for silly money. Hopefully it'll become available again for others to get for a reasonable price.
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Wait, what -- this is available on ebay already but nothing direct from ThreeZero?
Maybe I should double-back and pick up the original Jon Snow before prices surge? --> Nope, too late!![]()
If you watch closely there may still be hope. Shortly after the show concluded I was able to pick Crow Jon for just a little over $200 I think which I did not find offensive.
Got mine too. Now I can wait two months for it while it’s sitting in China again.
Aren't there people still waiting on Tyrion? lol