A Jedi Warrior
Super Freak
I enjoyed the movie but it kind of felt like a "leave your brain at the door" as opposed to the anime where I felt like I needed a PhD to understand the complex themes. The latter is what I was hoping for.
Casting was great, sets were amazing, and some scenes visually at least, felt like they were taken right off the anime.
The figure - I'm more concern about the quality and QC than release date at this point.
I hit up Threezero on messenger to ask if the Major was still due this month. This is the response:
"If there is any delay, it will be updated in the system and reflected on our shipping schedule as soon as it is confirmed. Until then, it is safe to assume that it is still shipping this month. Thank you for your interest and support in Threezero collectible figures!"
There's no change on the shipping schedule as yet so at the moment it's still a March release.
Agreed. I wish there was an update as to when this figure will ship.
Well after watching the blu-ray, I have ordered the exclusive version and am beyond stoked. I love the fact that we are getting 2 outfits for a good price.
Three-Zero, PLEASE release a Batou and Thermoptic suit Major and you will get 2 more orders from me... k thanks.
Oh and this movie is completely underrated.
I had no issue with the cast, the white washing, or anything like that, the film just so............average. Its very one note, watchable enough but nothing special really.
Saw the movie yesterday. Visually amazing. Action bits were good, music fits. Perhaps not 'classic' Hollywood enough for a big boxoffice hit, but I enjoyed it.
Honestly, I do not understand the backlash. Sure, the main character is not Asian (Motoko is though, take that hah), plenty of others characters are. The cast together felt good to me. Major, Batou, Kuzu and Daisuke (the old guy), all awesome IMO.
WAVE is just independent Japanese company - not related to Star Ace or ThreeZero. They just have anime license and tried 1/6 version - got nothing to do with movie.I don’t know where to ask this question but since this is also a ghost in the shell thread, has anyone bought the WAVE AF-102 1/6 scale anime version before? Also is WAVE owned by Star Ace or just helping promote the product?
WAVE is just independent Japanese company - not related to Star Ace or ThreeZero. They just have anime license and tried 1/6 version - got nothing to do with movie.
This version of Anime was least popular out of all GITS series and so was this figure. This one was in the bargain bin for a while.
Anyone receive shipping info?