threezero is notorious for cutting comers on production, the 1/12 votoms scopedog i.e. is a perfect example of that, cheap brittle plastic, metal used sparingly and no-where its actually needed. falls apart in your hand, crumbles and this thing priced at 400 dollars, so no surprise to see this fig turn out so bad production wise.
its either passable or horrible via them it seems. always wait for inhand pics with 3Z.. always! and never spend over 200 wit them cuz their products will never be worth that price due to the corner cutting.
is there a difference between 3A & Threezero?
3A is Ashley Woods company. He designs most of the stuff himself. He’s pieces are produced by ThreeZero. At least that’s how I understand it.
3A is Ashley Woods company. He designs most of the stuff himself. He’s pieces are produced by ThreeZero. At least that’s how I understand it.
you mean 3A produces Ashley's creation while Threezero produces licensed figures?
but i remember sometimes 3A produce licensed figures too...
are both same company & same owner?
If it is the height claimed by threezero on the site then it is accurate to onesixth, but most clothes/bodies are made to closer fit the body type hot toys use, will have to wait until it arrives. Someone on instagram posted a repaint, by the same guy who took the scaling picture i believe, the sculpt is there but the paint app is not
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What is the IG account with the repainted HS. Would like to see it.
agito_ho_chi_hung that picture is taken right from instagram, there are no other pics or close ups that i've found
I feel pretty confident in pulling off a repaint like that. I shouldn't HAVE to do that, but it might be salvageable.
Yeah this is BS. If you couldn't cancel my order, that figure best have been shipping out within 48 hours. I'm tempted to contact them and try again on canceling.Agreed.
I'm still waiting on a shipment notice and I'm starting to get irritated.