Psycho is correct. Gee Whiz is one of the tailors you can go to for making the coveralls. Around $220-250, maybe more, for sure. He is the safest bet to go to. Yunsil, Iris and Tinela's price quotes are on the high end and then Gee Whiz comes in the middle end and you wouldn't want to waste money on those low end tailors.
I am not sure but I've heard of this name, David Tucker, being thrown around. He made some coveralls, I only saw the pictures though. Don't know how good they look in hand.
The better the coveralls look and feel in hand, the higher the price is.
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Thanks for the input, everyone..
What's David Tucker's name on here, or how can i get a hold of him?
Also, what do you think of Creation Unearthed myers coveralls ?
Thanks again!
He's on FaceBook. I don't think he's on here.
Man, 200 plus for coveralls. I would rather put that towards another figure.
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Just reading through the earlier posts. If that's what someone will pay for just the outfit for a custom figure, more power to them. I couldn't do that.For whos?
Just reading through the earlier posts. If that's what someone will pay for just the outfit for a custom figure, more power to them. I couldn't do that.
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I hear ya. As nice as they are, i just can't justify that much for some 1/6 coveralls. I can get a really nice set for myself at a fraction of the price, and I'm 6'3"!
Yeah I'm honestly thinking about buying the TZ fig and then a custom head off eBay or on here. I wouldn't pay $200 for a pair of coveralls either...
I will have to go back and look at some pics in the Myers thread. I thought it was yours?
Yes I did have H2 made by Legio7. I will post pics later on today. I also have Ones Customs H2 sculpt that I'm switching out those sculpts whenever I feel like it.![]()
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It's still a proto so alot could change from now to Apil - june(Q2)
Oh I didn't mean it in the sense that I don't like the head. I would just swap them to go from H6 to H1 and just have one Michael Myers. I actually really like the H6 sculpt. It's dead on with H6. I'd just maybe lower the hairline a little bit, but that's pretty much it.
Hey there. I understand some people couldn't afford to get the Yunsil Coveralls which is the best and accurate like the movie. You could always keep an eye out for Saturday Toys Coveralls (they come in orange or beige colors, you can dye it to dark blue). They're extremely difficult to find now...they are the next to best coveralls on the low end of price. I sold mine recently.
Just be careful with buying coveralls- some
of them have a really bad tailoring work. [emoji15]
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Yeah its the hairline and the neck needs to be widen. I did this photoshop of the spiked up hair and fixed hairline. I don't know how to widen the neck on PS.
And this is what I mean by the neck needs to be wider...
You know I was thinking about this back and forth for the past couple days. I think I need it. A licensed MM for 140? I don't think I can pass on that.