Justin put a review of this up today. It's a great looking figure, nice sculpt a terrific costume. But seeing this pisses me off that we didn't get this...
Pre-ordered this guy the other day after seeing the review. Looked great in Justin's sales pitch. After rewards points it came out to $130 @ Sideshow. Hopefully it starts shipping before Fear The Walking Dead ends the first half of the new season.
Very excited by threezero these days. Cool that they are able to get high quality figures out within a year and that they're under $200 before tax and shipping. Besides being high quality you can't say any of that about Hot Toys anymore.
I got this figure yesterday. Very under-the-radar figure. I had only heard of it through Timewalker's newsletter. At any rate, this guy came out great I like the character, but am more interested in the figure as a background character in a diorama. Lots of weathering is needed, but that is part of the fun with this guy.