Super Freak
Re: ThreeZero Toys: 1:6 AMC's The Walking Dead
Yeah, those Merle and Daryl sculpts are very, very promising.
Yeah, those Merle and Daryl sculpts are very, very promising.
me tooWhat is the difference between those sculpts? I see nothing except a slightly different angle and slightly brighter lighting.
SwedishHeat said:What is the difference between those sculpts?
Wow, so we are getting Rick, Michonne, Bicycle Girl, Daryl, Merle. Any more planned?
The features, hairstyle and wounds?
(This pic might help: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/1412687_768639419828555_422719054_o.jpg)
SwedishHeat said:Shame on me for continuing the Off Topic Train, but I was referring to the Robocop photos a few posts up.
Are they really so busy that we cant get an updated progress pic?![]()
Looks like those robocop pictures have their labels reversed. The first image quite looks like the actor, the second not so much.