Pets continue to look as good as usual. Nice to see a scale shot of Tyrian finally.
Merle looks the same as the SDCC proto if I'm not mistaken. His head is so tiny! That seems to be a problem ThreeZero across the board though. Tyrian's head is smaller than it should be and Robocop seems to be a bit pin headed as well.
My biggest concern with Merle is the color of his button up shirt. His two main looks were a tan/khaki color when we first saw him in Season 3 and black later on. They keep using that grey and its just no right. Its like the mid point between the tan and black colorsGo one way or the other!
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Looking at this photo it looks very similar to the shirt on the figure with the short sleeves.
Did everyone watch this week's episode that shed some light in a dream sequence on the origin of the first pets?
can somebody please clear this up for me: over on bigbadtoystore (and most other places) the pets are for sale for around $120 each....but on the shopthewalkingdead website they have them BOTH listed together for $130 with a 10% off coupon. is that a typo or are they really for sale that cheap????
The language on that site makes it seem like you get both figures. Adding to cart also clearly shows TWO figures in the product image and no options to select only one. I'd say they have to stand by what they're advertising come time to ship.