Congratulations, Rick, you crushed this one out of the park!
You ordinarily do excellent work, but this may be your best review ever. I hope it gets at least half-a-million views, it's that good. Not to continue blowing smoke up your arse, but it was one of the most enjoyable I've ever seen.
I've never played Titanfall nor will I be getting this, but it's on the short list of Figure of the Year and looks like one of the finest in the history of high-end toys. I'll be pleasantly surprised if the HT Hulkbuster is anywhere near as awesome as this piece.
ThreeZero should be very proud. Between materials, craftsmanship and build quality, this figure should be the best example of ThreeZero's ability to play with the big boys, like Hot Toys.
And that anecdote about the Millennium Falcon - that was beautiful. It's nice every once in a while to be reminded that these are indeed toys in the end and that we should be enjoying the **** out of them.
Again, nicely done, mate.