Re: New Thundercats TV Series Coming In 2011
I was surprised how much I enjoyed the new series. I expected it to suck all kinds of ass, but it had great animation, a good story line and I came away w/o a single wtf moment... which is pretty rare for a new animated series.
I did think Mumm-Ra's face was a bit funky looking... his lips look like a collagen injection gone bad, but a pretty minor nit.
I also thought the inclusion of the political (oppression of Lizard people) and spiritual (magic Vs technology) elements were a great addition to make the show more engaging.
I didn't see anything indicating that the show is about descendants of the original Thundercats. Its a reboot with younger versions of the original characters. King Claudus was voiced by Larry Kenney, the original Lion-O, so I thought that was pretty cool.
Yeah, trying to say its descendents would be pretty lame seeing as how they have all of the same characters. If it were a new line-up sure, but as is I think its a straight reboot... but they have changed the location to 3rd earth and made Thundera into a kingdom instead of a planet; although both get destroyed right off the bat.
And hearing the original Lion-O's voice was badass... I didn't notice it was him until Lion-O was dueling with his father. But as soon as he used a more aggressive voice it was dead-on Lion-O
Kind of sounds like the "Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats Ho!" from Lion-O is also Larry Kenney.
Nearly as badass was Clancy Brown as Grune
maybe tygra is adopted cause something happened when younger that still to be explained
Good thinking, I was confused by that bit as well... but that is simple and makes total sense