You haven't been around for many reveals around here, have you? Here's how it works (I should make a flowchart, but I'm lazy):
1) Product is teased, close up pictures of obscure angles is shown one or all of these three things happen:
a) People start ?????ing immediately, citing accuracy issues and/or disappointment and outrage that what is being teased is not the representation of the character they would have liked to see.
b) ZOMG! TEH GREATEST THING EVAH!!! (this will only lead to disappointment and ?????ing later though)
c) Silence until certain board members weigh in. Once he/she does so, everybody else can chime in with an opinion matching their heroes' (you will also see people who already weighed in change their opinion at this point)
2) Product is put up for preorder.
a) If it's a PPO, people will complain that they missed out because PPO "sucks"
b) If it's a Thursday night preorder, people (usually the same people who would ????? about PPO) will complain that the product should have been a PPO.
c) ?????ing about price.
d) More ?????ing about accuracy or style preference.
3) Product is close to shipping.
a) Board hero announces he or she in canceling. Shortly after, the previously sold out product becomes discounted,
gift card eligible, and a common prize at next year's Spooktacular.
b) More ?????ing.
4) Product arrives.
a) ?????ing about paint apps.
b) There is no b.
But Whedonville is a different animal, so perhaps that won't happen. And notice I said "?????ing" and not "constructive criticism", I do know the difference.