This is the first Medicom to tempt me, cause I love the ANH look. How much smaller than SSC is this updated body? Tie Pilots were smaller compared to the rest so if this is close, I'll be temped
I'll likely pick up one, but actually would have preferred an all black helmet, but those seem to be going for $300+ so I don't think so. Are the Marmits better?
Jnko... between the Marmit and Medicom; which would be your preference?
I like the marmit, however I have a few nitpicks I need to address and eventually fix
1- the gloves are ugly and suck..I plan on porting the figure onto a sideshow body(prob clone since TA has them cheap all the time)
2- the belt is super tight and hard to get on- ill swap it with an imperial sideshow belt if I can ever find one
3- the neck can sometime be exposed- this would be corrected with a spare neck seal from a clone or sandtrooper
If the figure is Posed with consideration of the neck issue and with the hands behind the back(which is a good pose anyway in my opinion) then only the belt issue is visible.
I dot mean to rip on this figure, I do really like it just have to nitpick those few things
I'd buy it for $150 shipped. Damn you Medicom with your ridiculous prices and terrible bodies.