People want something that sets up like this???...different troopers obviously...
What the heck is that G.I. JOE looking stormtrooper on the right?
(Not that there is anything wrong with G.I. JOE).
People want something that sets up like this???...different troopers obviously...
People want something that sets up like this???...different troopers obviously...
I would rather have a Royal Guard PF!!!!!
I want this!!!! no trooper!
What the heck is that G.I. JOE looking stormtrooper on the right?
(Not that there is anything wrong with G.I. JOE).
I want ALL of these! Did you hear that SSC?! DID YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And a Stealth Trooper!
(I guess that is why I collect Koto troopers since they have a bunch)
Jump Trooper from The Force Unleashed...
The only reason I haven't sold my Vader PF is because of the anticipation of flanking him with two Stormies. One Exclusive and one regular. Although the Attakus pose would be ideal, I can live with the PF pose.
Count me in for Republic Commandoes!
Count me in if they fit together, or if they do Omega Squad variants...