I was never able to grasp string theory. But I see what you're saying. I just don't know how one could control the flow of time to the point of being able to jump from A to B with the accuracy of going to the exact point in time which you desired. I mean the universe doesn't operate solely on Earth's clock.
The only concept I could believe in was going forward in time. Traveling close to the speed of light would cause the time dilation of time passing very slowly for you and much faster to those on earth. I know there is a figure for it which is escaping me right now, but I know you can live well beyond your years if you were traveling at a constant speed say 9/10 the speed of light.
No No No No No thats not string theory. That may have been my mistake, when I should have probably said something like "alternate form" of reality.
Its interesting that you bring up parallel universes in your other post. When you combine parallel universes with times travel it becomes much more complicated.
Say its a given you have managed time travel back to the past. You have successfully opened and closed a minature black hole and used it as a wormhole to go back in time.
However the natural laws still exist in that past time. There is no supernatural force that demands that all events occur in exactly the same way which produced the reality you came from. In effect you are "rerolling" the dice on every single event that took place in the past. Chance and probability are "reset" and reapplied to these events. Kennedy may not have been assassinated. Nixon may have not been elected to his second term. This brings about the discussion of parallel universes. Every minute event may have produced a different outcome, producing an infinite amount of parallel universes. Even if marty was able to travel forward in time, if you accept the theory of parallel universes, than there is literally a one in infinity chance the future is exactly the same as he left it save for the changes he made with his mother and father's relationship.
Considering all the things that could have gone wrong from 1955 to 1985, he more than likely could have returned to a nuclear wasteland from a US-Russian conflict, and died instantly from the infected atmosphere due to nuclear radiation eliminating the ozone layer.
Parallel universes would make time travel so incredibly risky, that even if you achieved a miraculous technology for allow for time travel, you may not utilize it at all.