I'd say Miscalculation is probably the politest way you could possibly describe the Smart pistol!

I can think of a few more words for it lol. It's awful, I can't see why they would have put it in, it essentially makes people aimbots, it's just mind boggling. Three games in that server full of pro players running around with those things almost put me off of the game entirely and I've only had it two days. Surely they aren't getting any satisfaction from using it no matter how high their K/D ratios are. Errrgh.
As for screen tearing, I can't say I've noticed any on the PC so far, I have everything maxed out and play on a 144hz monitor, the game is so fast paced I don't really notice. It is certainly easier to spot people than it is in BF4 which was the only shooter I played regularly before picking this up. So that's nice..