If you're wanting the exclusives that bad and you DO have holds on the other exclusives I would just wait it out and then get Don later through a secondary seller. If you cancel the whole line, but really wanted them you'll probably regret doing that. I'd rather have a lock on 3 of the 4 and hunt down #4 than cancel the rest of the 3, have none and try finding those aftermarket.
If you got on the waitlist for Mikey near the beginning you just might get that converted.
I waitlisted Donatello I think a few days after they waitlist started and it converted! Took a while, but it was still a good couple months before shipping date when I got the notice.
I wouldn't give up. There's always hope of finding what you want. Especially this age in digital technology. If only it were so easy wen I was a kid. If you couldn't find a toy or something, you were plain S.O.L. These days it's SOOOO easy to find stuff if you just look a little.
My mom wouldn't have had to fight with someone else over at the store when the last Battle Cat was in stock there back in the 80's, hahah!
Our newer generations have no idea how easy they got it...
On a separate note about Donnie.... I was looking at the product specs and it said: 16.25" H x 18.5" W Does he really require near 19" of horizontal shelf space? Doesn't look like the bo extends out that far! I wish I knew the size of the base. I suppose I could scale it in illustrator or photoshop and find out. This think sounds like it's gonna be pretty darn big!