Donatello is my turtle. I'm flipping out, and my wallet is screaming bloody murder. How much would it cost to have a copy of Donatello? Could I possibly get one without paint if it means I get to pay less?
****ing Donatello, man. *rubs forehead* My mind is blown.
Just something really random comes up my mind when I saw the title for this guys remember those old school ninja turtles action figure where you can fold them head, arms and legs into their shells? those we're awesome
Hahahahyou brougth memories, I used to have those ones, sold them a couple of years ago
It's still amazing that even to this day the turtles look so real and that's why I loved the movie. I hope we get something like this figure.
I have 3 turtles done so far. Mikey is currently in progress.
I have been trying to get the classic turtle collection here at Toys R Us in South Dakota with no luck. I got mothers asking me to keep an eye out for the turtles van which none of them can find. The Walmart out here are horrible they never restock toys and when they do they are gone within minutes. The Toys R Us because of Walmart hardly get any business so the toys sit on the shelf forever. I did see some new ones that slang slime but I did not get them. I am holding out for the classic collection.
sent from my R2 unit
I have 3 turtles done so far. Mikey is currently in progress.