'To Catch a Predator's' Chris Hansen Caught Cheating on Camera

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Darth Snoopy

Dark Beagle of the Sith
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Aug 10, 2008
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Kansas; The State of Confusion.


"To Catch a Predator" host Chris Hansen has been using hidden cameras and decoys to catch pedophiles and online predators in the act for years. You'd think he'd know all the tricks by now.
The NBC anchor was secretly filmed while on a date with someone who was most definitely not his wife.

According to the Daily Mail, Hansen has been carrying on a secret affair with a local TV reporter from Florida, and he was busted taking her to dinner at the Ritz-Carlton before returning to her apartment for the evening.
Apparently, the entire sting operation was arranged by the National Enquirer, who heard from a source that Hansen met the reporter, Kristyn Caddell, at a party in Palm Beach last March.
"Chris and Kristyn got on so well that she ended up going back to his room at The Colony Hotel in Palm Beach," the source says, claiming that Caddell "later boasted to pals about staying the night with him."


Hey, pedophiles who are rejoicing about Hansen getting a taste of his own medicine: Sit down. You're still pedophiles. He wins.
The last part of the article was awesome! :lol :lol :lol
Now if they found out she was 15 they would be on to something. :rotfl

:horror :lol That it would! :lol

I just love that last part of the article! :lol

It still amazes me that high profile reporters/celebrities still do stupid things like this. I know Hansen is only human and not a saint but you'd think he, and other celebrities, would think twice about their actions.
"Hey, pedophiles who are rejoicing about Hansen getting a taste of his own medicine: Sit down. You're still pedophiles. He wins."

:lol..........best end to an article ever...........:lecture
I don't know if this is confirmed or not, but the radio station I listen to on the way to work was talking about this. They were saying that he and his wife have been having some issues, and are possibly separated at this point. I havent been able to check up on this story today but that might be the case.

Sent from my iPhone located on the planet Hoth.
I remembered the chris hansen guy on South Park and checked out some clips on youtube.

Some thoughts:

I dont like the hansen bloke, far too self-rightous and cocky, kindof a douche IMO

There are so many guys, clips after clips after clips, of all ethnicities and backgrounds, but no common denominators. That is all quite fascinating, i always pictured Abusers as fat, lonely old men, to see men in their early twenties trying to hook up with 14 year olds is surprising as they are plenty of women over 18 and about their own age who can look about the same.

I found it striking how many men there are on this show, is it just that men are naturally obsessed with sex and will take it from almost any woman if she offered it? Or that these men are perverted in the head in our modernist view of sexual age laws? Or that they are perverted men who want a violent encounter with struggle and such.

There seems to be different groups of these guys, some who are monsters, some who go for consentual liasons and wouldn't force it and those who have an attraction but never act on it.

It makes you wonder...Why?

Why are these blokes attracted to girls or boys?

Why are there so many?

When did this start or when did it become wrong?

I find it fascinating to try to examine the basis for human to human attraction.

I myself have been attracted to women from 17 to 45 ish. And they are each quite different.
Too bad someone wasn't hiding in the hotel room to pop out and be like "why don't you have a seat right over there, I want to talk to you"

:lol The end of the article was amazing though