just me
Okay, to settle this once and for all...
Before about 18 months ago, there was NO set time for the newsletter at all... usually it went up on Fridays at some time during the work day... sometimes early, sometimes late, depending on the amount of information contained within it, possibly technical problems, etc etc.
Due to customer feedback, we updated that process (including the feature that let's you read it online instead of waiting to receive it) and have publically stated that, as Lonnie posted, it would usually go up between 6-7 PM (Pacific Time) on Thursday evenings... occasionally it may be a tad late because, after all, we are all human... plus we are dealing with machines, and internet capabilities, and databases, and all that fun stuff. I don't remember a time that it's been much later than 7:30 PM though, and as a team, we try VERY hard to hit that 'between 6-7' target.
Unfortunately, we cannot set a more specific time because of all the factors involved. As stated previously in this thread, it is in no way like a PPO, where it's just one item that's going up for sale. There are multiple items, multiple previews, multiple content pieces, affiliate concerns, etc. all occurring simultaneously.
If there is something coming up in the next newsletter that we think may be a big deal (like the limited Lounge Lorne order, etc) we make every effort to either tell you to expect it, or to set a PPO for it. Therefore, you can make your own personal decision about whether you'd like to keep hitting refresh from 6-7 PM.
Thank you for your patience and understanding - and your passion!
Before about 18 months ago, there was NO set time for the newsletter at all... usually it went up on Fridays at some time during the work day... sometimes early, sometimes late, depending on the amount of information contained within it, possibly technical problems, etc etc.
Due to customer feedback, we updated that process (including the feature that let's you read it online instead of waiting to receive it) and have publically stated that, as Lonnie posted, it would usually go up between 6-7 PM (Pacific Time) on Thursday evenings... occasionally it may be a tad late because, after all, we are all human... plus we are dealing with machines, and internet capabilities, and databases, and all that fun stuff. I don't remember a time that it's been much later than 7:30 PM though, and as a team, we try VERY hard to hit that 'between 6-7' target.
Unfortunately, we cannot set a more specific time because of all the factors involved. As stated previously in this thread, it is in no way like a PPO, where it's just one item that's going up for sale. There are multiple items, multiple previews, multiple content pieces, affiliate concerns, etc. all occurring simultaneously.
If there is something coming up in the next newsletter that we think may be a big deal (like the limited Lounge Lorne order, etc) we make every effort to either tell you to expect it, or to set a PPO for it. Therefore, you can make your own personal decision about whether you'd like to keep hitting refresh from 6-7 PM.
Thank you for your patience and understanding - and your passion!
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