TOMY TMP Enterprise

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I thought about getting one or two for investment purposes too. The refit seems to be really popular. However since it’s already hit its funding and the advertising is reaching more people I’m not sure if those one will triple like the TOS one did. This one will def double though.
I thought about getting one or two for investment purposes too. The refit seems to be really popular. However since it’s already hit its funding and the advertising is reaching more people I’m not sure if those one will triple like the TOS one did. This one will def double though.
yeah the TOS one flew under the radar and lots of folks who wanted one didn't learn about it until after orders were already closed.
this one seems a lot better known and is getting a lot more orders so i imagine aftermarket demand might not be so immediately extreme. folks are actually getting their orders in early this time.
however it also has a limited order period so there will inevitably be aftermarket interest once this thing releases and there's a wave of pics and reviews. just maybe not quite as much as the first time.
They need to do a better job on lighting the nacelles, we should be getting a consistent glow across it rather than the four light spots as shown below.

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Have they said anything about correcting the nacelle lights? I realize they’re only showing a prototype but this issue is a deal breaker for me if it’s not addressed. I’m already upset about the saucer support but I can live with that.

I just want it to _look_ like the Enterprise. The four lights ruin the illusion.
Have they said anything about correcting the nacelle lights? I realize they’re only showing a prototype but this issue is a deal breaker for me if it’s not addressed. I’m already upset about the saucer support but I can live with that.

I just want it to _look_ like the Enterprise. The four lights ruin the illusion.
Yeah one of the Tomy people said the light will be defused.
The warp mode is a nice touch, sounds like they are going fairly deep into the line. Space is a major concern once you get a few of these.
A docking shuttle would have been cool. Or at least as a tier reward if they get enough backers.
Is this going to be limited to shipping within the US like the first one was?

I’m glad to see them continuing on with this line, definitely a good thing for the likelihood of seeing others like the Enterprise D made.
I like this line too! It looks really cool! And I'm also looking forward to the continuation!
Does anyone have a good round-up of info/comparisons of the differences between the TMP Enterprise and the TWOK Enterprise?
Here's one good breakdown:
More info:

The surface was dulled down with Dullcote and talcum powder for TWoK because the shine of the first movie made it difficult to film, especially since they started using bluescreens, so the paint became more flat. Some parts were also repainted. As time went on, the model aged or was damaged and received additional repaints, so by the time of Trek 5 much of the original shine and detail had been lost.

The Enterprise never looked better than it did in TMP.
Because it suddenly appeared on Zing Australia’s website again, on a whim, or rather I up and succumbed and preordered this piece!

Should I hope to get early delivery again?