Top 5 Things why PT Didn't work for me!

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Because I actually like the prequels, I'll choose to post a rebuttal :nana:

Anakin's Father - the Holy Ghost?: Or perhaps the mother didn't want to tell the truth, then again, maybe it was the Force itself.

Flying Troopers - See space trooper Episode IV

Flying R2-D2 - Jets on a robot in a sci-fi film with advanced spacecraft is unacceptable? Really?!

C-3PO mind wiped - Makes perfect sense, see Uncle Owen requesting the same exact thing.

Jar Jar - 1. If you were the age you were when you saw the OT, you'd love him. 2. Even still, he's no worse than the Ewoks. 3. He had to be naive in order to make his big proposal.

CGI - Much prefer CGI to models that you can tell are models

Hayden Christiansen acting - I've done a side by side comparison of HC and MH and it's almost identical. Both were whiny and the delivery is virtually the same. Lucas followed the exact same formula almost to a tee.

Turning cool villains into kitty cats - and Boba Fett's death didn't?

My only complaint is that I didn't feel the first two movies were long enough and that the story was a bit rushed. That said, this is Vader's backstory and it had to be told. Young Anakin couldn't be older to begin with as it was hard enough to get him into training as it was. That said, because of his age, the first movie had to have the tone that it did. The PT moved from light-hearted and fun to serious and dark by Episode III.

I thoroughly enjoyed them for what they were supposed to do and watched it with the mindset of when I was 10 watching the OT.

:goodpost: :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap

I love OT / PT / CW , the Books, the cartoons the "you name it" you know why? because its Star Wars and I love Star Wars point blank

Really, why bash something for no reason at all, if you dont like it keep it to yourself I think, anyways thats my 2 pennies

:goodpost: :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap

I love OT / PT / CW , the Books, the cartoons the "you name it" you know why? because its Star Wars and I love Star Wars point blank

Really, why bash something for no reason at all, if you dont like it keep it to yourself I think, anyways thats my 2 pennies


I 100% agree! It's human nature to pick out faults from one thing or another, but honestly, having the PT's doesn't take away your thoughts on the OT. Nobody is making you sit down and watch them. Ignore them if you wish. However, I do think that the OT purists have a right to complain about never having the original OT versions on Blu Ray. That, to me, is more of a travesty than having the PT's.
I 100% agree! It's human nature to pick out faults from one thing or another, but honestly, having the PT's doesn't take away your thoughts on the OT. Nobody is making you sit down and watch them. Ignore them if you wish. However, I do think that the OT purists have a right to complain about never having the original OT versions on Blu Ray. That, to me, is more of a travesty than having the PT's.

Agreed, My parents took me to see Star Wars in the Theaters when I was 4 years old then at 7 for ESB then 10 for RotJ,the world of Star wars has stuck with me for 34 years now and I cant say Ive ever had a room where something in it was star wars and thats to this day ask my wife lol. to me OT is awesome, I remember being so scared of Darth Vader, to this day I remember how I felt. Thats got to tell you something on how a movie can Impact someone. but I wont take away from the fact that it is a story, and I love every adventure in it. I say make more movies like, I'd like to see an Old Republic Trilogy, and even a in between PT and OT and then gimmie a AOT (After Original Trilogy) Trilogy lol I'm down for all of those. but thats just me :)
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Although this is a great thread, I better might have called him "Top 5 Things in the PT that Didn't work for me".
I should've been more precise; I love ROTS very much.

And as a loyal OT fan, I even contributed in the very new "Top 5 Why OT Didn't Work"-Thread!
Cause aside from the overwhelming movies, there's also plenty to laugh about!
Dude it takes road crews 3 years to add a lane to a two mile stretch of highway where I live. The Death Star is supposed to be the size of a small moon.

Yeah, but then how come they needed less time (Luke barely aged between End of IV and End of VI) to build another one?! :slap
It must have been under construction at around about the same time. Its still ridiculous of course but Star Wars is space fantasy not real sci-fi.
It must have been under construction at around about the same time. Its still ridiculous of course but Star Wars is space fantasy not real sci-fi.

Yep. I believe that the opening scroll for ROTJ implies that construction on the DSII began post-ANH but even as a kid I always assumed both Death Stars would have overlapped a bit. I think there's even an old Ralph McQuarrie painting that shows two or three DS in construction over Coruscant.

EDIT: Yep, here it is:

Ok, I'll come in with my top 5 reasons the PT didn't work for me.

1. All of TPM except Darth Maul and Qui-Gon
2. Anakin/Padme relationship BS in AOTC
3. Anakin turns way too fast to the dark side in ROTS

Guess there are only 3.
Wasn't there a third Death Star in one of the books? I think it was just the framework and the superlaser or something.


"The foreman built the crosswalk too close to the intersection--"

"--He felt surprise was wiser..."

"He's as clumsy as he is stupid."

I LOLed at this by the way. Good use of quotes.