I'd like to add my two cents to this discussion and I really hope it doesn't come across as mean because I know how hard it is to create something, hoping people will enjoy it, only to find it ignored or bashed... and I have nothing but the greatest respect for anyone who even ATTEMPTS sculpting. I've tried it, I suck at it, and it's TOUGH. But regardless, here goes...
When you posted that you were going to offer Dr. Henry Frankenstein sculpts, my interest definitely perked up. Same went for the Ron Burgundy sculpt. But once the product started being shown, I lost interest. So now I find myself asking "why did I lose interest?"
It's not that the sculpts are bad... they may be perfect, they may be a bit off, whatever... I think the reason I lost interest was twofold:
1) The presentation / photography. Both Henry Frankenstein and Ron Burgundy were shown casted in a white resin which REALLY doesn't show off the details very well. If you were able to cast them in gray, or even give them a gray dusting of paint, that might help. Or, get one painted up and post that. One of the reasons I keep going back to Spenser and his sculpts is because he does a great job of showing off the work once it's done.
But I must admit, that sometimes even that doesn't do it for me. His Ghostbusters? Love 'em. His Hannibal Lector? Not so much. So, who knows? Maybe I'm just talking out my a$$ here.
And since I really didn't go back to the H Frankenstein and R Burgundy threads after seeing the initial white-cast sculpts, maybe I'm wrong and you already showed some painted up ones. I'm gonna have to go back and take a look. But what it comes down to is, I saw the white-cast sculpts, didn't see much detail, and lost interest because I felt they were lacking.
2) The threads. And by this, I mean the clothing. I would probably STILL go for a Ron Burgundy, but I don't have a line on a good 70s-era brown suit. And I'm lazy, so I haven't done the research necessary to find one. Once again, I go back to Spenser's Ghostbusters: Mattel provided the clothing & accessories, so all I needed to do was replace the body with a new head and swap out a couple easy to find bits & pieces.
I'd suggest showing some fully-completed figures and suggest where we can get the clothing. I just saw your fully finished Tallahassee and it looks great! If I were interested in the character, I'd be all over it.
Once more, I want to throw out the caveat that I haven't returned to those other threads lately, so if you've already done this, my bad.
Again, I'm sorry this hasn't worked out for you the way you hoped, but who knows? Perhaps the heads will sell slowly over time and you'll eventually make the money back. Like another poster mentioned, what with the economy being the way it is, this isn't exactly the best time to be an entrepreneur.
Good luck and I'll keep returning to Toy Anxiety for parts!
- MJ