I need some help

I want to get more serious about my photography.
I like taking pictures of my figure-collection (amongst other things) but I'm rarely satisfied with the results.
Would really appreciate pointers, lighting set-ups, equipment used in your pics etc etc...
I'm using a Canon DSLR with a 35mm F/2.0 and a 90mm F/2.8 macro lens, so the equipment is not to blame
I think my main problem is lighting. I have a low-energy-photo-lightbulb (45W = 135W) 5000K.
But it feels like I can't quite get the white-balance correct.
It was easier with my Canon powershot G12
Please, anything and everything is helpful

I want to get more serious about my photography.
I like taking pictures of my figure-collection (amongst other things) but I'm rarely satisfied with the results.
Would really appreciate pointers, lighting set-ups, equipment used in your pics etc etc...
I'm using a Canon DSLR with a 35mm F/2.0 and a 90mm F/2.8 macro lens, so the equipment is not to blame
I think my main problem is lighting. I have a low-energy-photo-lightbulb (45W = 135W) 5000K.
But it feels like I can't quite get the white-balance correct.
It was easier with my Canon powershot G12

Please, anything and everything is helpful