Toys Era “The Patriot” John Walker / US Agent

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Woke Warrior
CF Supporter
Jul 29, 2015
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I'm sorry but that helmet sculpt is just terrible. :lol Looking like a damn gumball candy head.

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Hoping this means Hot Toys will follow with their version.

edited that for you:lol

But yeah, this is only figure I've wanted from any of these Marvel shows so far. Would've preferred SooSooToys to do it if Hot Toys wasn't but I guess beggars can't be choosers with John Walker figures.
I say we give ToysEra our money and let's see what they do with it. I may be a little bitter, still waiting for HT Tobey and Andrew...Looking for someone to pick up the HT's fumble and take my money!
I want to be digging this way more than I am.
Yeah, I'd order this in a heartbeat if it wasn't for those head sculpts. If those are what they're showing on the prototype I can't see them getting better in production. The rest of the outfit looks to be well made, although I'd prefer it have more of a cloth look like the old Strike Suit Cap. This looks like the same synthetic materials HT has been using on the more recent Caps. Also, is it just me or does the helmeted head look too small in some of those photos?

Edit: Actually, I think the collar fit is too loose, making his neck & head look thin/small as a result.

John Walker_MCU.jpg
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Yeah, I'd order this in a heartbeat if it wasn't for those head sculpts. If those are what they're showing on the prototype I can't see them getting better in production. The rest of the outfit looks to be well made, although I'd prefer it have more of a cloth look like the old Strike Suit Cap. This looks like the same synthetic materials HT has been using on the more recent Caps. Also, is it just me or does the helmeted head look too small in some of those photos?

Edit: Actually, I think the collar fit is too loose, making his neck & head look thin/small as a result.

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Yeah I was super excited to see this figure being made. I think he is a compelling character and was really looking forward to seeing figures of him and Zemo be released.

I also think his outfit looks fine but the helmeted headsculpt looks too small to me and I know that would bug me. I think that even though the likeness of the unhelmeted sculpt isn’t spot on I think it is fine in appearance and size …but that little head though, don’t think I can get past it.
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Yeah I was super excited to see this figure being made. I think he is a compelling character and was really looking forward to seeing figures of him and Zemo be released.

I also think his outfit looks fine but the helmeted headsculpt looks too small to me and I know that would bug me. I think that even though the likeness of the unhelmeted sculpt isn’t spot on I think it fine in appearance and size …but that little head though, don’t think I can get past it.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone like Maxnut or Eleven did head sculpts for this guy, but I can't see buying this without knowing that & seeing them first.

Maybe this will be another Classic Loki situation and HT will release their version? They didn't react to the Black Order figures so it's hard to predict. Plus they're behind on releases of much more popular, in-demand figures (TM & AG Spideys, Cad Bane, Kate Bishop, Hawkeye, etc., etc.), so it doesn't seem likely.
Yeah, costume looks good enough to "settle" for since nobody else has made him and even though I'm not a headsculpt kind of collector, that masked head is still just rough. Hurry up and make this obsolete already, Hot Toys.
The heads are really the probably, but the mask and the gauntlets are an odd choice of blue that don't look accurate and stand out from the rest of the costume. I'm complaining, but I'm sure I'll end up getting him, although truth be told I would prefer his USAgent look over his Cap look, so I don't know. I might hold out hoping someone does that look eventually.
Hoping this means Zemo will follow.
Yeah Zemo, should be a pretty easy figure to pull off. I always display my figures with their helmets/masks on so even if they mess up the unmasked sculpt I can overlook it (although it is still better to have a great unmasked sculpt just in case). So I guess as long as they make the masked sculpt the correct size and with appropriate texture and do a good job with his coat I will almost certainly be all in.