I have the Giraffe and the Doberman and I think they are awesome. They look really cool on the shelf and as I am not a military collector, these are the only military style outfits in my collection and somehow the anthropomorphized heads make them actually fit in with my sci-fi/fantasy collection.
The quality of the outfits and gear is top notch, I had to watch reenactment tutorial videos to figure out how the petters and straps worked... they are down to the detail.
I forgot about the Stag/Elk guy. That one is going to be awesome too. I noticed they have them numbered but have not gone in order... Giraffe was #5, Doberman is #2 or 3 forget which at work and Lion is #1 so the Eagle and Stag must be the other two in there. So far that is all I have seen concept wise so maybe it will only go 5 figures. I plan on getting them all.