Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon Announced For 2011

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Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Devin nails it here, imho:

Transformers: Dark of the Moon is the Michele Bachmann of cinema. Despite all of its staggering flaws it will have its supporters, and its success is part of a trend of accepting less and pretending it’s more. Just because someone is loud doesn’t mean they’re smart and just because a movie has a lot of action doesn’t mean it’s fun. Fun isn’t just calculated in pixels on screen but in actor charisma and character warmth, in stories that surprise and thrill, and in action that is motivated and has a point that is either narrative or emotional.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

I heard Rosie was better than Megan. Excited to see her act!
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Finally some sensible people ( non Bay fanboys ) have chimed in. Its a shame they made more than one movie because I think the first one is great, especially for Bay. He may have style but not in a good way. He over compensates his lack of coherent story telling with OTT action that will make kiddies scream with joy and leave most other people wondering WTF is going on. He is essentially a little boy trapped in a mans body. Still he makes money and that's what these films are for. They certainly aren't made out of love and respect to the source material.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Mindless flicks, big explosions, hot chicks
dumb movies or what not...
I like... BUT
my nitpicks with Bayformers is:

- The DON'T look like Transformers
- Toilet/Teenage humor DOESN'T belong with Transformers
- Transformers is not suppose to be an Army commercial... there's G.I. Joe for that
- Profiling personalities DON'T belong with Transformers
- Jetfire is old and uses a cane??? WTF...

List goes on and on...

Now, the action is there, the effects are awesome...
it just F.Ed up the source material so bad, that it's almost impossible to relate it to
Transformers at all...

IF I see this movie in theaters, it'll be for free...
and hopefully don't need to walk out...

I'm all for a reebot, by a competent director who can at least respect the source material...
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

... :lol .. its ____ing Transformers people .... :lol
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Eh if I enjoy it that's my main concern. If others do great and I hope my friends do but if not that's alright. I know what these movies are going in and I've enjoyed them for that.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

going to see lego Bionicles 3 shortly...
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

The 3D is good
The Storyline is awful
The action with the Transformers is much, much better than the second one, and a lot of scenes look pretty stunning.
The "comedy" is on the same level as Epic Movie and other crap movies like that.
The movie should have been an hour shorter, and they should have cut out most of Shia's story and scenes. I do not care about him, his mum and dad, and the girlfriend whatever her name is.
Doctor McDreamy's character is stupid and the Chinese guy from the Hangover seemed to not have a script because his scenes were just bizarre.
4 out of 10
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

The 3D is good
The Storyline is awful
The action with the Transformers is much, much better than the second one, and a lot of scenes look pretty stunning.
The "comedy" is on the same level as Epic Movie and other crap movies like that.
The movie should have been an hour shorter, and they should have cut out most of Shia's story and scenes. I do not care about him, his mum and dad, and the girlfriend whatever her name is.
Doctor McDreamy's character is stupid and the Chinese guy from the Hangover seemed to not have a script because his scenes were just bizarre.
4 out of 10

Sooooooo you're saying that the movie was great!! Yes!!!!!! Can't wait until I see it in an hour
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Wow Dino, after your glowing reviews and love of the series so far I really expected you to love this one too.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

I've heard that megatron still goes out like a punk in this one. What the hell happened to the main villian being more menacing than the hero. i hear optimus is very brutal at the end. I hate when they make the main hero unbeatable. Seriously i thought megatron was stronger.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

RottenTomatoes has 100 reviews at this point, and 35 of them view Transformers positively. For what that's worth. Still time for that rating to change slightly, but 100 is a pretty decent sample size, so I wouldn't expect it to change too drastically.

and here's what they consider a "positive" review:

It's a momentous achievement and it will make untold amounts of money and you should see it even though it's hateful and empty and preaches the worst kind of reactionary violence without even really meaning it.

Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Going to the midnite show and I am so exited.
I cant belive the wait is over.

optimus prime FTW.

I will have a video review tomorrow.