Man, they're doing Beast Wars a huge disservice here. Everything feels wrong and stupid. Why are the Beast Wars characters huge and look robotic in their animal form? Angry rant incoming:
In case anyone doesn't know, Beast Wars takes place centuries after G1 where the Transformers have downgraded their sizes to be about human size due to overpopulation and to conserve Energon (make sense!) The Beast Wars story revolves around a group of Maximal civilian explorers and Predacon fugitives crashing on an unknown planet that is overabundant in Energon, causing their robotic forms to short circuit and die if they're exposed for more than a few minutes, thus they adapted organic animal forms to shields them from Energon radiation (make sense!).
I know a lot of G1 fans dindt liked Beast Wars simply because of the esthetics and "animals makes no sense" but it's all merely a matter of context all in which was explained in the the first episode (which is free on YT currently). The Transformers become animals because out of necessity to survive a hostile environment, none of the regular Cybertronians are in animal form back in Cyberton.
Judging by trailer, it seems that they change to metallic animals "just because" and is completely missing any of the survival aspects of the show. While I get that this is a new interpretation, I just wished the core reason why they're animals are kept intact in the movie, kinda like Bruce Wayne's parents dying being critical to any adaptation of Batman.
I honestly don't see any reason why Optimus Primal is as big as Optimus Prime running around in modern civilization and looks like like a Cybertronian ape. Beast Wars deserve much better.