Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts
By the way what colour jeans have you got him wearing in that pic? Also whats Xander got on dare I ask?
I bought a pair of 1:6 black jeans that were faded just like Spike's. I honestly cannot remember the company as it was a year or so back.
Xander is wear ACI chinos (beautiful quality), Loading Toys shoes (they wore Adidas a lot on Buffy) and a Wild Toys Maroon hoodie. I finally bought some inkjet iron-on paper recently to make a "Troublemaker" shirt for Jayne and intend to put "Sunnydale" on Xander's hoodie.
Speaking more of scale, you inspiredd me to show off some work I have been doing on Firefly figures to put them in scale:
It is a bit hard to see, but the bottom of their feet are aligned, thus showing the height differences.
Basically I cut the doll body at the lower legs, thighs and torso and add the desired height in a roughly 1:1:2 ratio with aluminium foil and epoxy. On Jayne with the 'fancy' muscle arms I did not want to mod them (well other than painting them as you can see), but next to Kaylee you can see a test arm from a female TT with about 1.5 ratio segmeny added to the upper arm.
F.Y.I. Sigourney Weaver is 6' 0" tall and thus the already moded Ripley doll (TT Sarah Connor body) is a perfect stand-in for Zoë, as Gina Torres is the same height. Being tall myself, although not quite that tall, I wanted the female characters in scale too.
Edit: Shameless self-promotion, I have a sale thread for accurate 1:6 scale Mal braces/suspenders: