Trevor Grove's Firefly Sculpts

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An update on my River. I bought a dress for her from D-art studios after seeing pics of it on Texlanders figure. For the price it's a great dress and so another crew member complete:

Got two more of the crew done today and only three left to complete. My photography skills suck, the heads on these are amazing in person.

Hey CSI, your crew is looking good. Always glad to see photos posted of the different crews. I feel kind of sad that my crew is finished. Just want to fine tune Rivers Firefly outfit.

Old Grandpa
Finally bashed my Wash:

I tried to get him into an iconic "crossed arms" pose, but unfortunatly the limits of the True-Type articulation made it look too unnatural.

Waiting to get some heads in the mail from Skiman right now. Hopefully in a few days I can have my first real crew portrait!
Looks awesome Shadow! I decided to not finish the crew but I do want to get an Inara sculpt with her hair up! If anyone has an Inara sculpt with her hair up let me know!
Sure. It was a random 1/6 scale tan flight suit that I bought on Ebay for $10. Didn't say what figure it was from, but there were a bunch of border patrol patches on it. Then I just used some Rit Dye to dye it orange. Hope it helps.

Thanks for the kind comments everyone!
Thanks for the info Shadow.

If anyone has ANY of these sculpts they're not going to be doing anything with I will GLADLY take them off your hands! But looking for a Wash in particular.