Trick Or Treat Studios: Halloween 1, 2, 4, 5 and 2018 Michael Myers

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Sorry. I need to disable autocorrect as it?s really been autocorrecting to some odd stuff.

I was asking how does the figure feel with the pegs, I just put extenders on mine. I think I like the extra length.
Yeah I agree. It's still nice and sturdy, stands on its own well. But the extension pulls the lower cuff of the pants a little further off the boot and thus the pant legs don't flatten out as much and look as baggy.

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Ordered from Nightmare Toys, $113.99. This is all I need, certainly not as nit-picky as most on here although I do wish he came with a jack-o-lantern. I think the mask sculpt looks great!
Ordered from Nightmare Toys, $113.99. This is all I need, certainly not as nit-picky as most on here although I do wish he came with a jack-o-lantern. I think the mask sculpt looks great!


I don't have a lot of first-hand experience with 1/6 scale figures, so I'm hoping to be satisfied with this guy out-of-box as well.
I think some people are overly worrying about the eyes. Every Myers sculpt has them and once you have him on the shelf with normal or minimal lighting you won't see them.

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I recently got the NECA Retro H2 Myers and the eyes are totally blacked out and I actually don’t like it, I prefer to have eyes, maybe just shaded to help if light isn’t casting enough.
Well people are talking about having everything in the mask eye sockets painted black, the skin, the eyes.
I probably wouldnt go the paint option. If anything, I would try using some black foam. Lil pieces of it. Just shove in the eye socket. That way you can take it back out, if you dont like the black out look

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Maul, even in the image you find that represents Myers best isn't all blacked out. That is probably the reason painted black doesn't work for you.
Anyone planning on getting any of the other releases? 4,5,2018, ssc? I'm def gonna get the 2018 and am really thinking about the SSC

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I?m getting ssc, also might get an 18 if it comes out good. I won?t preorder the 18 though. I?m not a fan of the bulky look of 4 unfortunately.
We are both on the same page.. with the 2018, I'm gonna go with the nightmare toys site this time around. The more I think about it, I dont really care all that much for TOTS ordering practices (no cancelling orders). Plus other places have free shipping.

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Anyone planning on getting any of the other releases? 4,5,2018, ssc? I'm def gonna get the 2018 and am really thinking about the SSC

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I'm getting 4,5,2018,2,6,H20

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Has there been an announcement for 2, 6 and H20? Those could be on my radar. I always liked the mask in 6 and H20 was good too.

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I'm hoping that now that this figure is being produced, we'll get more companies doing their version. Looking at you Hot Toys.

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I'm hoping that now that this figure is being produced, we'll get more companies doing their version. Looking at you Hot Toys.

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I?m sure they will come with a Myers iron man hybrid, because hot toys.