Absolutely. And the way they worded things while showing these 2, I would guess they'll be doing H20 and Resurrection too, if not all movies.Will be buying both and because of these, I went back to BBTS to buy the ones I had skipped (4 and 5). Gotta get em all. LOL.
I was on the fence on them too cause not a huge fan of either look or movie. But bought them from Fun.com with 15% off and grabbed the Bloody H1 variant as well. Paying roughly $135 a figure and only $110 for the Bloody Variant - made it a far easier pill to swallow. Also the 15% is for a first time purchase but applies to everything in your cart. Now that I have them in hand I’m throughly impressed with both and still would have been happy if I paid full price. Even at retail what you get for $130-$160 compare to SS charging $225-$250 a figure….it’s getting a little out of hand from the bigger companies.Will be buying both and because of these, I went back to BBTS to buy the ones I had skipped (4 and 5). Gotta get em all. LOL.
Alex did an snacking job didn't he? This one was all him, outside of the coveralls of course. Can't wait for that preorder!That H2 is what ive been waiting for. Love that look.
Even at retail what you get for $130-$160 compare to SS charging $225-$250 a figure….it’s getting a little out of hand from the bigger companies.