Got mine in and I’ve been having a blast modding him out.
Picture heavy.
First the body - too thin and the PJs float around on his feet. So, fixed that….
Wrapped waist in craft foam - Orange seemed appropriate. Then I heated the foam up so I could stretch it out and stuff it with make up sponges to give him a little bulk. Also added some craft foam to his thighs.
Double side tape to the soles of his shoes. Now the PJ feet are stuck to the soles on his shoes/sneakers.
For the base it needed weathering but also some bulk. Felt cheap and light. So I filled it with resin and after it cured I add some cut up old mouse pad to fill it out also keeps it from sliding. Adds an incredible amount of weight and now it feels like a statue base.
And after….
Going to drill a hole and add a clear acrylic rod with single crotch grabber. That will be later today.
The bag was heavily weathered and fixed the “white” seem. Also bloody it up and added dried pinto beans to give weight and shape to the bag. Everything bloody I have to hit again with floor wax to get the wet look I’m after.
Finally worked on the costume and head. Suit has bloody mist to right side - some heavy some light. Added blood to hands and glossed them. Bloodied up the Lolly. Also bloodied the foot pads. Finally the sack head was too white so I stained it with a honey wood stain. Turned it light brown but took about 26-30hrs to dry. Then I mixed some light brown acrylic paint with water and did layer after layer until I hit the brown I was after. The reason for the stain at first is because I heard people complain or express worry about the sack head fraying. The stain once dried will keep the sack from fraying and it hardens the surface like resin.
So again before -
And after -
So, I’m about 90% there. Still need to wet look all my blood and add the clear crotch grabber. He has been a fun figure to mod. Love this little guy.
Thanks for looking. Take Care - Jase