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The extra base does it's job and was very cool of Tsume to put it in!


Also a couple of rough flash shots of my Tsume stuff so far, i kinda hope they do release some smaller stuff to fill the detolfs or they are gonna have to be replaced eventually lol. I know Usopp won't fit in, i'm doubting Itachi will and i really doubt Renji will either lol....Shiryu is a maybe ;)




All individual pics of my Tsume stuff and more can be seen at www.collectioneo.co.uk

Usopp in the next couple of weeks! :D
Awesome update post from Cedric over at the Tsume blog!

Usopp is at their facilities and is shipping next week!

Itachi is sadly delyaed but for the right reasons!

Itachi Uchiwa HQS by Tsume needs more time. There’s an easy explanation: I refused the master provided by the factory! Some parts fit was not good enough, some FX were fragile. We decided to start over the engineering of this piece to get exactly what we wanted, and avoid all risks. Now I am satisfied and after the traditional Chinese New Year annual break, the factory will resume manufacturing and they will focus on this project.

Madara Uchiha Xtra will start shipping in 1 month. Shikimaru and ****shi are at the injection step with painting to start after Chinese New Year.



White Beard & Raoh HQS by Tsume will be unveilled and launched in March & April! They have delayed pre-orders so that they can start manufacturing and give a shorter time between pre-order and delivery.

And this is amazing imo - Renji Abarai HQS by Tsume is done! He’s in the same container as Madara and will be available in March.



I cannot believe Renji is already done, that's so ----ing awesome! Mines paid off so i can't wait to get him!

HQB by Tsume » Blog Archive » What
Now for their 2015 Goals!

Now, let’s talk about 2015 goals:

Tsume is now almost 5 years old ! It’s been an amazing adventure, filled with extraordinary moments and very hard times!

You’re the very reason my team and I found the energy to rise each time we fell, all of you who follows us. You have to understand how proud we feel each time we see a picture of one of our creations inside you collections.

Wa are all core fans to start with. Now, we have the opportunity to work with the greatest licenses… the ones we always dreamt of.

Of course, nobody’s perfect and we still make mistakes. But who else but Tsume could imagine such a crazy project as Zoro HQS by Tsume ? This is a one of a kind item from which you can feel our passion, and the ultimate risk-taking!

We live for this risk. Of course, it is a way to stand out… but it’s mainly a way to stay out of the routine and not getting ourselves doing only “what we know we can do”. Because if life gave me a personal lesson, it is that everything is possible if you put all your heart and energy to get it!

This year is to be extraordinary. We will finally have the means for our ambitions.

2015 main lines for TSUME are:

optimisation of quality control, laboratory testing, anti-copy certification
decrease of manufacturing delays
optimised web site, user-friendly, with an order follow-up and a better customer service interface. We will also include a calendar with our products schedule so you can know where we stand at any time.
international development of Tsume. Find the best solutions for each territories so anyone wanting our products can get it in the best conditions available.
Our goal is obviously to improve the most important points first. If we already have very good results, we also know we can do better. And I can promise to all of you that’s what we’re going to do.

In the meanwhile, I’m counting on you to keep believing in us and I hope to meet you during the Tsume Fan Days, so we can all celebrate Tsume’s fifth anniversary and the fact we got the right to make Dragon Ball Z statues!
Can one of you guys help me?

I've had this nagging suspicion that the statue I have - Asura's Wrath - isn't quite right.

I have never really felt that the arm, that is holding the "Doji" by the neck, connects as neatly as it could into the body of Asura. Plus the Doji's gloved hand doesn't seem to fully fit in place within Asura's hand.

From a distance everything looks fine.
But I've felt pretty uncomfortable about it for a while.
This part was always difficult to assemble, and feels just off. I don't want to force the arm in any further or the glove for fear of damaging the statue.

It's my first Tsume piece so I could be wrong.

I took some pics of where the arm connects with Asura's body. Is this a gap? Or is it intentional to the design

Can someone with this statue please take a look at their own or, even better, post comparison pics?

I'd greatly appreciate a little help!










For reference, album on imgur: Asura's Arm - Album on Imgur
To thank you all for your kind messages... I will announce that we are working on a special new Naruto Month !!!
With a lot of surprises !

A Naruto month is coming!

My Usopp is supposed to be posted out this week, so pics as soon as i have them.
So first off the box is huge. Weight said 12 kilo but it honestly felt more.

Flawless paint apps as usual. Impact Wolf is huge, very spikey, he actually hurt to handle lol.

I would suggest putting the coral on before anything else, i put Impact Wolf on first then couldn't find where the last piece of Coral went lol.

The crouching pose is nice but i do prefer the museum pose on this one but as with Zoro it's great to have the option and of course an extra base is included.

It's just so impressive as impressive as Zoro imo. Super happy with him.










