Turtles in Time Remake?

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I wonder what the deal is with these download games and downloadable content coming to 360 first. Is it a deal MS hashed out with the publishers, or is there something to the whole "PS3 is hard to code for" argument? I really have no idea.
I was interested in this game until this weekend I found that I still own it for SNES.

I think I need to hook up the old system and try it out.
I have it for SNES but I'll be getting it for Xbox Live. I played it at SDCC and it was a lot of fun. Different enough than the SNES version.
Seeing the video previews, did they cut out the whole first Technodrome stage where you have to throw foot soldiers at Shredder? Then he banishes you in the time warp?

Seems so lame that he banishes you in the sewer after the supposed Rat King battle (is that cut out too?)...the story flowed much better with that first Technodrome battle.
It's also different in that in the Skull and Crossbones stage you don't fight a pirate Bebop and Rocksteady, you fight Tokka and Rahzar that were actually from the Technodrome stage.

Perhaps Bebop and Rocksteady get put in the Technodrome stage instead?
This is based on the arcade version of the game. No Technodrome, no Slash (instead we get Cement Man,) no Rat King (no boss this level,) and there are other differences. Check out wiki for the lowdown.
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Its looking good, but it doesnt seem to have the same charm as the original pixels... (am I wearing nostalgia glasses? I can't tell)
Its looking good, but it doesnt seem to have the same charm as the original pixels... (am I wearing nostalgia glasses? I can't tell)

I agree. Everything looks very basic and rounded off. Would have looked better with a "SFHD"-esque redo.
is it the FULL arcade game in terms of number of levels? (id be dissapointed if the game was complete after 3 odd levels!) and any idea how much its gonna cost to download?
This game was good, but is still overshadowed by TMNT 2 The Arcade Game for NES. That to this day is still the best TMNT game ever...and no doubt in the top 10 for the NES.