Received mine, and she's definitely a lot heavier than I anticipated!! Overall, the sculpt and everything looks superb, and is really well done. I have one blemish that ALWAYS catches my eye, and I'm wondering if it's something you guys would contact Sideshow about. I'm a bit more hesitant because I'm currently waiting for them to get back to me about some issues my Spider-Man PF body has. I know it's just bad timing that both arrived at the same time after delays, and both may require action of some sort.
I'm actually quite forgiving about things -- especially if they're in the back, or not visible from the display point! And since this is my first Tweeterhead statue, I'm not sure if this is normal and something you just go with or not. It doesn't photograph that well, but there's a streak down her leg that's somewhat unpainted, and it's noticeable when just looking at it, because the leg is so prominently posed with the blemish at the forefront. If this was on the back of her leg, or even off to the side, I'd likely be a little less likely to worry about it, but my eye is constantly drawn to it.
Again, not sure how well these images will show it, as the lighting isn't the greatest right now where it is. The flash shows how it's spottily painted in the area, and the none flash image shows a bit of discolouration, which kind of looks like a bit of a smudge, or something along those lines in person. It's not huge in size, but it's enough because of where it's located to draw the eye...or at least mine eye. Would like to hear thoughts!