I know!!!
I don't know what happened...I wanted a great Daredevil statue, and the Sideshow one looked good...I liked the costume textures and such, but the pose just didn't work with me. Then I had the chance to jump on an XM piece for a really good price! A little over retail (the main pain comes with the exchange rate to Canada) so I jumped on it. Then the Prime 1 Arkham line came out, and for how huge the statues are, I had no choice. That said, I've been putting aside some overtime money for a while, so that's help making them more "normal" in costs!
I know it sounds bad though!

Picking and choosing with such expensive pieces on order!

It also helps that I know my father-in-law will be giving a nice Christmas gift in terms of a "bonus" when he comes to visit in December, so I can basically write one off! That's my big splurge for the year!

It's so easy to get caught up in lines though, so I'm trying to be picky. I'm anything but made of money...it's almost the opposite, I've just been good at putting aside a little bit where possible.
I just fear how much is to come from Hot Toys, with Episode VII on deck, and the entire DCU coming next year, and then Civil War and the rest of the Marvel flicks...it's just going to get ugly.

But I'm definitely never buying a piece just to buy it! With the Machiko delay there's been a HUGE lull in me receiving anything big and new, but there's no filler in my collection and I'm aiming to keep it that way! It's far too expensive to just buy pieces that look cool these days. They have to speak to you, and like this piece, if you're unsure and juggling funds around with other pieces, then it really has to nag at you that you'll be sorry you missed it as well! It's a very different time in collecting, and it'll only get worse when the inevitable recession Canada is in is announced!