Darth Caedus
Formerly Congerking
Josh, why do you hate America so much?
Because I am in it....

Josh, why do you hate America so much?
Because I am in it....
The movie was far more enjoyable then the book. I think this means the #1 reason the book irked me was the horrible writing. Sure the movie has problems but for what it is (a teen, over romanticized Vampire story) it wasn't THAT bad. I could see myself seeing further film installments but I will never, ever be able to endure the writing style of Stephanie Meyer again.
I read a few pages of this in the store - so impressively horrible. I don't have the time or interest to read this dreck, let alone a series of poorly written books, not when there are actually well written books out there yet to be read. If the first one is terrible, I'm not one to continue reading the next terrible book.
They probably are horrible, and I never understood the fascination with Harry Potter either---
However, anything that gets people reading can't be all bad.
They probably are horrible, and I never understood the fascination with Harry Potter either---
However, anything that gets people reading can't be all bad.
I never understood the Harry Potter craze either. This girl I knew made me go to the midnight showing of one of them I think it was Goblet of Fire and there were grown ass men dressed up like the kids in that movie. I don't know how a man could even like those movies unless they have a child fetish or something because the movie is boring as all hell.
With Harry Potter, this is the only thing I can say
The books are great if you give them a chance.
But children don't interest me. And having a fight with wands is about the gayest thing I could think of.
But children don't interest me. And having a fight with wands is about the gayest thing I could think of.
But children don't interest me. And having a fight with wands is about the gayest thing I could think of.
Its not really "fights with wands"....the bad guys are throwing the killing curse all over the place. So, basically its a gun fight except that no matter WHERE you get hit your dead.
Perhaps they could make a book taylored to wand haters. All they would have to do is replace the word "wand" with "gun" and the words "avada kedavera" with "bang bang".
Ah, and that would also solve the religious issues with Harry Potter as well. The church can condone guns that go bang...but most certianly not fictional obviously impossible wizards!
I just don't get the appeal of Harry Potter or Twilight, I admit I haven't read the books but watching a bunch of wand toting children or emo goths just isn't my thing. I mean if you are a grown man and can get into a movie that was intended for tweens then more power to ya.![]()
I just don't get the appeal of Harry Potter or Twilight, I admit I haven't read the books but watching a bunch of wand toting children or emo goths just isn't my thing. I mean if you are a grown man and can get into a movie that was intended for tweens then more power to ya.![]()
Lets not fuse emo and goth together. Real goths have nothing to do with emo.