UFC 2010

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Jack's Smirking Revenge
Oct 20, 2006
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Glasgow, Scotland

AGOURA HILLS, Calif.  December 7, 2009  THQ Inc. today announced that UFC® Undisputed™ 2010, the company’s much anticipated second videogame based on the Ultimate Fighting Championship®, will make its worldwide debut at the upcoming 2009 Spike TV “Video Game Awards.” Set to air live from Los Angeles on Saturday, December 12 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT, the awards show will feature the first-ever gameplay footage from UFC Undisputed 2010, interspersed with commentary from top UFC fighters. In addition, the footage will be introduced through a special UFC guest appearance.

Accompanying the worldwide debut of UFC Undisputed 2010, the franchise’s best-selling and critically acclaimed inaugural release, UFC 2009 Undisputed, is nominated for “Best Individual Sports Game” at the 2009 Spike TV “Video Game Awards.” Fans can vote for UFC 2009 Undisputed to win this prestigious videogame industry honor by visiting https://vga.spike.com.

In addition to the live broadcast, the 2009 Spike TV “Video Game Awards” will be shown in over 180 territories and countries. Non-U.S. residents should check their local listings for the date and time of the show.

More information about the UFC Undisputed videogame franchise can be found at www.ufcundisputed.com and www.thq.com.
Oh yeah bring the next game.The first game is something i always fall back on,specially after a UFC event :lol
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Im looking forward to this one, especially since the first was very successful, and i didnt get that one. :monkey5
I just hope they make a better training system for this one. Something a little more challenging and less redundant than "land 20 leg kicks".

Other than that I have no complaints about the first one.
That was the camp aspect alone.

They could also greatly improve the day to day training you had to do for strength, speed, and endurance. Maybe mini games with your fighter lifting weights or hitting the bags. Making you earn those stats would be much more fun imo.
This one NEEDS to let you have the ability to choose/design your own walkout tee, and actually have a walkout entrance to the octagon.
from what i read.....more and better online servers

I've never had a problem with a match online (server wise). The problem is that whenever you are about to make someone tapout, they hit the guide button and go to their dashboard and drop out of the match. :rolleyes:
It would be great to have better presentation.
Matches for the belt seemed like an after thought in the last game.
You should be able to walk to the octagon wearing the belt, like Smackdown Vs Raw
I'll probably just rent this one. Unless there is HUGE differences between this one and last year's no reason to keep buying. I feel the same way about the Madden series every year...as to why people line up to buy them I have no clue.
I'll probably just rent this one. Unless there is HUGE differences between this one and last year's no reason to keep buying. I feel the same way about the Madden series every year...as to why people line up to buy them I have no clue.

A lot of Sports games suffer from this.

They just seem to change the roster every year
A lot of Sports games suffer from this.

They just seem to change the roster every year

I know and I find it funny that they still charge full price for just roster updates. I'd rather them just release it every other year with actual improvements and have downloadable roster/trade updates on the off years.
It would be great to have better presentation.
Matches for the belt seemed like an after thought in the last game.
You should be able to walk to the octagon wearing the belt, like Smackdown Vs Raw

Lets leave that stuff with the fake fighting games. :cool:
The fighting in UFC might be real, but they do rely on the razzmatazz too. That's part of the appeal of the sport, whether you like it or not :cool:

I havent seen a UFC Champ walkout to the ring wearing the belt in along time. Its just not done, a cornerman usually saries it in.
Yeah I for one think they really need to revamp the whole ground fighting system. As good as the UFC game is, to me after playing alot of online matches more times than most, Im trying to pull off moves while the other player is most likely a button masher.

It does sound like the UFC is going the way of other sports games as noted with just roster changes bringing a new game out every year with very little change.

I actually cant wait to see EA's MMA game built around Strikeforce/Dream.