UFC, etc.

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Im going to chime in here, I didnt read the last few pages which lead up to this conversation, but Chael still being in the UFC and Nate getting cut are 2 different things in the sense of yes Chael is an a-hole and a cheater, but he didnt ruin a main event. Basically by Nate, not handling his business he ruined a main event which in the end costs UFC money and making look Dana/Zuffa look like dumb *****. You can call Dana whatever name you want to in the book, and Im sure hes heard it all, but if you mess with his money and by his I mean UFC/Zuffa your in a sense biting the hand that feeds you. We all know what happens to dogs who bite the hands that feeds them (at least back in the day). So in my opinion thats why Chael is still doing his thing and Nates wondering what hes going to do now.
You've got to give him one thing: he's got big ol' big ones.

Actually he doesn't, that's why he's on TRT. :lol



Chael has an entertaining mouth, that's about it. I don't know, what's with all the talk about Machida though? They are in different divisions, so why is he calling Machida out? As long as that loser never wins a UFC belt, it's all good; he can talk as much as he wants and as long as Bones and Silva are around, it ain't gonna happen for him.
Him and Couture used to be team mates at Team Quest. So he was saying he'd beat Machida and get revenge for Couture.

Chael's lucky he does entertaining interviews because that's about the only thing exciting about him.

Unless people find him tapping out to submissions entertaining? :lol
so then why doesn't he move up and fight him then? He's a big MW, if Silva can do it, he can, but of course, knowing Chael, he won't. I remember him calling out Lesnar, last year I think.........:monkey1
Sonnen doesn't know when to shut his yap, and he's probably one of the most boring fighters in the game right now. Lose-lose for him. Why he's talking trash on Machida, I haven't a clue. Machida can fight, where as Sonnen can take you down and lay on ya.

And I actually like when people will bash GSP, Fitch, Shields for their "boring" style, but then say how much they like Sonnen in the same post. It's part of MMA, and I don't mind the "boring" fights, but don't critique a fighter for using his strong wrestling base to win fights and then bash another fighter for the same thing, just because he's a fan favorite.

I'd like Sonnen a lot more if he let his fighting do his talking, but he seems to like to win the fight by out talking his opponent before the actual fight. To sum it up, Sonnen is an idiot.
Dana said if cut Nate because that was his fourth Strike. But they all cheat. Theres no doubt lesner did roids, Carwin admitted to it, etc. etc. Who cares. Same BS with Baseball. That Bonds "perjury" case cost tax payers millions. Now Clemens is in court. Let them all do roids, Thats when baseball was good.
Well look at Brian Cushing in the NFL in his rookie year. He got busted for using something on the League's banned substance list, so they stripped him of his Defensive Rookie of the Year award and had the AP re-vote on it, and then he actually got more votes?? ...... Anyways, he said whatever he was taking he had taken it while in college (I think) and he didn't know it was on the League's banned substance list. It's a BS lie, but I think a prime example of how there are way more pro athletes "cheating" than one could even imagine.

I just think it's looked upon more negatively in pro fighting, because come fight time it's one guy against one guy in that cage. That would be the equivalent of it coming to light that an entire pro sports teams starting line up getting busted for steroid use at the same time.
Fedor should start doing roids, maybe he wouldn't suck so much and he'd actually get a win. Oh wait.. all fighters cheat so I guess he already does roids.
:exactly: Dude is by far the most interesting personality in all of the UFC. Not to mention he's freaking hillarious. How you can listen to that interview and not walk away entertained is beyond me. I like him and I'm not apologizing for it. :pfft:

You've got to give him one thing: he's got big ol' big ones. I can't believe some of the stuff he says. I can't figure out if he's delusional or supremely self-confident. Or both. :dunno

totally agree with you. im a fan because he entertains me in and out of the octagon.

I dont think he is delusional one bit because he actually backs up his crazy statements with some pretty good facts. :)
Dana said if cut Nate because that was his fourth Strike. But they all cheat. Theres no doubt lesner did roids, Carwin admitted to it, etc. etc. Who cares. Same BS with Baseball. That Bonds "perjury" case cost tax payers millions. Now Clemens is in court. Let them all do roids, Thats when baseball was good.

Thats why I put roids in my cereal. makes me better at what I do.

They should have a Roid League.
1st thing that comes to mind when I think about Chael is, a guy that taps often then says he didn't tap afterwards.
1st thing that comes to mind when I think about Chael is, a guy that taps often then says he didn't tap afterwards.

Well if he tapped, then he wouldn't be backing up all that trash talking he does.

Dude's not entertaining, he's a classless bum. All he does is insult every other fighter but himself in interviews. I strongly believe in pre-fight hype, but there's a big difference between hyping a fight and being a classless jerk. Sonnen gives the classless jerks a bad name.
Sonnen's entertaining, but even he knows he talks out of his ass. Saying he didn't lose to Silva? You tapped like a _____, bud :lol