Super Freak
iunno.. he got KO'ed playing around and in the rematch he lost by freak accident. So I don't think at this point that his chin is shot/his career is over. Especially since Silva's loss to Weidman is the first time he ever got knocked out. All his other legit losses were by sub/decision. Liddell on the other hand got KTFO badly 3 times in a row before throwing in the towel. And that last one by Franklin was a baby tap and Chuck still went night-night. 
Now If Diaz KO's Silva THEN I would definitely say it's a wrap cuz I've only seen him KO one person in his entire career and that was Robbie Lawler. Which is weird when you think about it.. with all the bombs Lawler has absorbed and walked through.

Now If Diaz KO's Silva THEN I would definitely say it's a wrap cuz I've only seen him KO one person in his entire career and that was Robbie Lawler. Which is weird when you think about it.. with all the bombs Lawler has absorbed and walked through.