I do have a wide variety of monsterabilia, but unlike your wonderful autograph collection, none my items are particularly rare. Regarding pictures, Castle FrankenFan is currently for sale and "staged" for broker and customer open houses, which means all of my treasures are currently secreted away to safegaurd them from the prying eyes and inquisitive hands of pesky villagers.
Ahhh yes, the moving and house selling days. My last move was in 1999. I didn't have my things boxed up yet. As a result, the children of people who wound up purchasing the home went on a hey day at our home. The ragamuffins destroyed a gold anklet my wife had and opened a guitar case and put their grubby booger encrusted fingers all over the guitar inside. It was a gift for my father in law and had to be cleaned before we could give it to him. But the worst atrocity was that they touched my Aurora Monster Models and snapped my Mummy's snake off the base! I nearly had a heart attack. So, you are quite wise to have your goodies pre-boxed.
Thanks for the kind words about the collection. I love to share with fellow Universal Monster fans. When you get your stuff unboxed, though, I wanna see it. I wanna see it all!!!!!:chew