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This, a thousand times this. I feel like I'm just watching the same movie each year.

marvel just plays it safe. too safe, I didn't like the Hobbit that much but at least there was a sense of danger. None of the Marvel Villains feel scary or threatening,
They could make their movies interesting but they don't

the only one that felt kind of scary was Winter Soldier and he turned out to just be a good guy. Loki is basically a good guy now. Marvel just cant push good villains.
I thought The Dark Knight Rises was an exceptional film, and a befitting ending for, arguably, the greatest comic book trilogy yet to be put on screen.
marvel just plays it safe. too safe, I didn't like the Hobbit that much but at least there was a sense of danger. None of the Marvel Villains feel scary or threatening,
They could make their movies interesting but they don't

the only one that felt kind of scary was Winter Soldier and he turned out to just be a good guy. Loki is basically a good guy now. Marvel just cant push good villains.

Exactly- well said
I thought The Dark Knight Rises was an exceptional film, and a befitting ending for, arguably, the greatest comic book trilogy yet to be put on screen.

it really has grown on me a lot

specially after i saw this

the only one that felt kind of scary was Winter Soldier and he turned out to just be a good guy. Loki is basically a good guy now. Marvel just cant push good villains.
I think Jeff Bridges was a convincing villain in Iron Man, which is also the only Marvel Studios movie worth watching IMO.

The Winter Soldier sounded like a dangerous and mysterious villain when Black Widow or whoever mentioned him, but when I saw his emo hair, mini Bane mask, angsty expression and silly robot arm I lost interest.
I thought The Dark Knight Rises was an exceptional film, and a befitting ending for, arguably, the greatest comic book trilogy yet to be put on screen.

The Dark Knight Rises is awesome. I think it's a lot better than Batman Begins.
Back around it's premiere, the TDKR hatred was close to rivaling that of MoS. Here on the Sideshow forums at least.
I guarantee you if Christopher Nolan had directed Mad Max: Fury Road and made the same exact film, most members here would be picking that film apart.

For me, it comes down to slightly annoying minor characters("its gonna blow" guy etc) Vs several third act issues
Guardians of the Galaxy was way overhyped, and continues to be extremely overrated. I have no intention of choosing to watch it again.

I've rewatched The Phantom Menace in the past year or so, and surprised to find myself thinking, "Hey, this is pretty good." Sure, Jar Jar sucks, but it feels more like Star Wars than AOTC and possibly ROTS.

A New Hope is my least favorite of the OT films.
this is not the whiny-pants sookie la la thread.



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