Super Freak
somebody mentioned Fantastic 4 was amezeballs.
Great? It's barely good
It's as overrated as the main actor leading the show.
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somebody mentioned Fantastic 4 was amezeballs.
Barely good?
I will argue it was the greatest entertainment spectacle to hit the tv or big screen since Star Wars. A masterpiece.
somebody mentioned Fantastic 4 was amezeballs.
Great? It's barely good
It's as overrated as the main actor leading the show.
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Ah I wouldn't go that far. I thought as a first watch through, it was an amazing experience. I couldn't get enough. Cranston's got some excellent scenes in it, some of the best acting out of him I've seen on TV.
Although I thought S5 was a dud. They even mentioned that they had no idea what lead up to Walt coming back to ABQ with the M60... and it showed. I think with a little more planning and better writing, I would of loved the conclusion.
As much as I loved the show after seeing it once, I never felt compelled to go back and watch it again... bar just a couple clips on Youtube.
The Sopranos on the other hand, I can watch until I'm blue in the face and still be enthralled by it.
I wouldn't say Cranston is overrated, I'm just a little sick of him at this point.
I don’t think he’s a horrible actor, but he’s certainly not a great actor. I see a lot of people and media pushing his name out there every chance they get for almost every role, and in my opinion he got an undeserved Oscar nom this year.
Breaking Bad on the other hand, I just never thought was a good show. Walter White was the only interesting character as far as I’m concerned, and the ending was godawful. Thats just one of those shows I’ll never understand the hype that surrounded it I guess.
I liked Gus and Mike, but the rest of the characters outside of Walter I didn't care about.
I think the show is amazing, initially. But after seeing it through to the end, I didn't think it was the 2nd coming that everyone made out. But I definitely think it's one of the shows in the past decade that should definitely be watched.
But yes, I hated the ending.
If you want to watch bad TV, go no further than TWD.![]()
Yea, I stopped watch TWD after the second season. To be honest I’m not really a fan of most the of the television shows out right now.
The only reason I haven't cancelled my cable completely, because it's part of the phone and internet package, so it would be more expensive without it.
Same here actually
Fios offered me too good of a deal.
I'm feel like I'll be with Fios eventually myself. My bill keeps slightly increasing, for basically no reason. And the internet can be shoddy sometimes, at least lately.
Yea, I stopped watch TWD after the second season. To be honest I’m not really a fan of most the of the television shows out right now.
I love Alien3
Not so unpopular an opinion as it used to be, at least not on this forum.
I also love Alien 3, especially the assembly cut.
Having said that I was still interested in seeing Blomkamp's alternate Alien 3 which I guess we can assume now isn't happening.
Yea, switched to Fios this year from Time Warner cable, I'm having a much much better experience with them, especially with the Internet.
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