Unpopular movie or tv show opinions

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Batman and Robin is the best Batman movie ever made. The Dark Knight Rises is overrated.
James Cameron is the best filmmaker of the century and my lord and savior. Just kidding Jesus, sorry.
but whenever i try to watch godfather i lose interest and lose concentration. feels like studying for a test or something :lol

i dont know why. i guess i never feel invested in the story

This. I gave up watching it. Just not interested in it and I never liked mob movies/shows.
i wont say it is boring because i have liked some really boring movies before. (I loved movies like Dogville and Manderlay which are really slow)

but whenever i try to watch godfather i lose interest and lose concentration. feels like studying for a test or something :lol

i dont know why. i guess i never feel invested in the story

This. I gave up watching it. Just not interested in it and I never liked mob movies/shows.

Alright, thanks! I understand. I just love the cinematography, the acting, the characters, the music, the....I just love everything about it! :lol Similarly, I can't get into a lot of sci-fi movies. Stuff like Alien/Aliens and Terminator bore me because I don't like space, time travel, or robots. They're good movies though!

There's exceptions to the rule though, because I really like HAL-9000, Twilight Zone, Futurama, Wall-e, Star Wars, and The Iron Giant, and they have robots. Maybe, those movies just aren't my cup of tea.
Alright, my unpopular opinion is that I think all the MCU movies are good, and I'm happy with what Marvel has been doing.
Once you start going through movies available on Amazon Prime and Hulu, you really start to see bad to abysmal films! Woof! Thank you Disney!
All movies are made to "money grab" so I've never understood that statement as if it's somehow a bad thing to do.

It's a nice easy gripe that can be "explained" by citing the "evil" companies involved and ignoring the effort that actually went into the product. Typically posted by frustrated creatives who resent success.

IMHO, of cawse.
It's a nice easy gripe that can be "explained" by citing the "evil" companies involved and ignoring the effort that actually went into the product. Typically posted by frustrated creatives who resent success.

IMHO, of cawse.

Newbie here.

A few of my unpopular opinions:

I actually really like The Phantom Menace

I think the first 2 seasons of Breaking Bad are far better than the later seasons.