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The new Muppets show is absolutely terrible.

X2 and DoFP are definitely overrated.
The ideas behind both are stupid and they aren't really good in terms of narrative and dynamic.

I actually think the idea behind DoFP was really interesting, which is why I was so disappointed with how it played out.

But really, I think we deserved a true sequel to First Class, set maybe a few years later instead of 10, and not having characters we spent so much time getting to know and love vanishing with a passing reference explaining it. DoFP should have come after an established trilogy IMO.

That is his only good movie :lol

The rest are terrible.

I enjoyed Devil.

:lol And FC is my least favorite, after X3, of course.

The only one that I found to be really good as a whole was First Class.

Blah.. I don't care for that one much.. It has some moments but I hate the fairy that spits fire and the Screeching kid... Awful mutant power. I was laughing in the theater at him at the end of the film... Glad they killed him off.

Shyamalan's best film is "Unbreakable".
"The Sixth Sense" is nothing special.

I'm sure this opinion is unpopular. :lol

Sixth Sense does not hold up well after 2 viewings.. 1 for the twist and 2 to see how the twist worked.... After that its a bore...

Unbreakable is great but I also like Signs..

I think the Village is his best directed film... Its good until the twist IMO.

I enjoyed The Visit :)
For all the talk I make about time being precious, I actually sat down and watched After Earth a week or two ago. I was so curious because of how bad everyone says the movie is...

...everyone was right.

Nepotism is a bad thing.
For all the talk I make about time being precious, I actually sat down and watched After Earth a week or two ago. I was so curious because of how bad everyone says the movie is...

...everyone was right.

Nepotism is a bad thing.

If it makes you feel any better, I've tried to watch The Last Airbender twice.
Rob Schnider THE Real Rob. T.v show on netflix good comedy enjoyed all the eps hope for more.

F is for Family. Another netflix series lots of good comedy animated cartoon again hope for more.

Jessica Jones . Another Netflix marvel series a lot of good storys and good casting looking forward to Luke Cage spin off along with defenders and 2nd season of Daredevil that just kicked some @$$.

Star wars Rebels love the series cant wait to see it all pan out.

Legit. Jim Jeffries a stand up comedian with a very messed up home life. This show will make you laugh hard and often wish was more of it.

Peepshow. A british messed up comedy about a uptight roommate Mark with crazy roommate jeremy that always screws up things a lot of messed up humor i cant get enough of this show.
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i never understood why everyone said the muppets movie was so great
it was awful
The muppets are, and have always been, terrible.

I kind of agree with you there. I have never cared for them aside from the Swedish Chef sometimes.

And.....Kermit's eyes.....they haunt me in my nightmares. There is some seriously creepy stuff in the franchise, considering it's aimed at kids.