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Thor (2011) has some of the best music in the MCU and him dying and then the hammer taking flight to revive him is one of the most emotional moments in the MCU as well.
Yeah The Thing 1982 and The Fly 1986 are complete garbage by comparison.

Well most of you all know how I feel about horror films in general. :lol

I'd never call The Thing 1982 and The Fly 1986 "complete garbage" by comparison. Both are great monster flicks for what they are.

Now The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween films... I WOULD personally call those garbage by comparison. :lol
I think this post is more appropriate here.


One thing that will always take me out of original "Star Wars"...

General Kenobi. Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars.
Now he begs you to help him in his struggle...
I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person...
... my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed.
You must see this droid safely delivered to my father on Alderaan.
This is our most desperate hour.

So much emphasis put into Rebels bein' desperate for Kenobi's help, that Leia's father is on Alderaan and only he could retrieve Death Star plans. Yet when Luke and Han find Leia she dosn't look or act heartbroken or worried. She doesn't really bothered by the fact Kenobi is there and didn't really react to his death... I love the movie, but Leia's part of it will always be the weakest.


Jar Jar isn't even a bad character. He's childish and goofy, like a cartoon, but still has an arc - from cowardly castoff to helping hand to general to ambassador, all because he got extremely lucky and met powerful people who were willing to give him a chance or simply liked him despite his flaws.

And not because he was played by female/African/Asian actor. Bite me. :wave
This reminds me.

"Parents don’t love their kids, men don’t love women, Mace is unmarried, Palpatine don’t got a wife. In fact the only person in the Galaxy who’s married is Jimmy Smitz. Why is he in this movie?"
1. Despite my love for it, Empire Strikes Back is kind of boring. It puts me to sleep.
2. Tom Hanks sucks. He's unwatchable. When he was stranded on that island, I found the volleyball's performance more compelling.
3. Kevin Spacey is a horrible actor and American Beauty wasn't a very good film.
4. Flash Gordon (1980) is actually a good movie, even when you're not baked.
5. The Dark Knight and Guardians of the Galaxy are the only two good superhero movies. The rest are garbage. All of them.

Edit Regarding #5: I can admit that certain superhero films are "well made". For instance, this year Wonder Woman and Logan were "good" taking for granted that they're superhero films. But they're superhero films. It's been done to death, it's repetitive and predictable. TDK and GotG stand on their own as good films, despite the genre. Can't say that for the rest of them.
Lets see if I can help you love this film even more Riddick

One thing that will always take me out of original "Star Wars"...

General Kenobi. Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars.
Now he begs you to help him in his struggle...
I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person...
... my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed.
You must see this droid safely delivered to my father on Alderaan.
This is our most desperate hour.

So much emphasis put into Rebels bein' desperate for Kenobi's help, that Leia's father is on Alderaan and only he could retrieve Death Star plans.

She is to collect Ben for her father.. I think it comes across more as desperate because she is under attack.. Here mission has failed. She is sending the plans just hoping Ben will find them and get them to Alderaan. . The only way to get the plans to Alderaan is Hoping Kenobi can do it.

Yet when Luke and Han find Leia she dosn't look or act heartbroken or worried.
When Luke arrives and tells her he was with Ben Kenobi and she SHOT UP! Hope is again possible. She is now on a mission again.
True that the destruction of Alderaan should maybe still have some lingering effect. But she has been put through a lot at this point and escaping the Death Star is her main focus.. Granted she is a bit too "over it" but is a military leader and she knows that the main focus is to get the plans to the hidden Rebel base and not focus on the destruction of her home and family.

She doesn't really bothered by the fact Kenobi is there and didn't really react to his death... I love the movie, but Leia's part of it will always be the weakest.

She does not know Ben.. She just knows that her father knows him and he helped her father.. Her main mission was to get the plans to the her father and the Rebels.. Dad is gone.. She knows that they have R2 so they can get the plans to the rebels..

Hell I find her reactions more realistic then Luke being overly depressed by the death of a man he knew for 24 hours :lol
She is to collect Ben for her father. I think it comes across more as desperate because she is under attack. Her mission has failed. She is sending the plans just hoping Ben will find them and get them to Alderaan. The only way to get the plans to Alderaan is Hoping Kenobi can do it.
I have to agree.
Tho I'm pretty sure at that point Rebelion would be desperate for someone who could be their anti-Vader.

When Luke arrives and tells her he was with Ben Kenobi and she SHOT UP! Hope is again possible. She is now on a mission again. True that the destruction of Alderaan should maybe still have some lingering effect. But she has been put through a lot at this point and escaping the Death Star is her main focus. Granted she is a bit too "over it" but is a military leader and she knows that the main focus is to get the plans to the hidden Rebel base and not focus on the destruction of her home and family.
While I agree, they could convey that in a better way. As is, it's just feels like she doesn't care.
I understand that it was directed by Lucas and was the first movie in the series... but it still bugs the hell outta me.

She does not know Ben. She just knows that her father knows him and he helped her father. Her main mission was to get the plans to the her father and the Rebels. Dad is gone. She knows that they have R2 so they can get the plans to the rebels.
She knew Kenobi was a freakin' general during Clone Wars. I'm pretty sure she'd be excited to meet him in person. Heck, I would even speculate that her father was tellin' Clone Wars stories to her as a child and she'd secretly dream about meeting a Jedi.

Hell I find her reactions more realistic then Luke being overly depressed by the death of a man he knew for 24 hours :lol
Luke's reaction is 100% understandable because Ben was the closest thing he had to his father. He was fascinated by him, he was following him and was lookin' forward to be trained by him. I'd be in shock and scream like a girl too if someone like that would be suddenly killed before me.
Luke's reaction is 100% understandable because Ben was the closest thing he had to his father. He was fascinated by him, he was following him and was lookin' forward to be trained by him. I'd be in shock and scream like a girl too if someone like that would be suddenly killed before me.

Poor Uncle Owen :(

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