I never understand why people get their rocks off on doing this sort of thing. Most pointless thing ever
You couldn't possibly be more wrong.
Most people use the same password for everything. If I compromise the uplay database and obtain user's e-mail addresses and passwords, I can then access your home e-mail. Sure the passwords are hashed in their database but if the database is compromised, it is for naught. I can run rainbow tables against the hash and crack just about any password within minutes.
I can sell your personal information for profit. To spamming agencies worldwide. Maybe I will impersonate someone on your contact list and send you a phishing e-mail. Click a link in my e-mail and I'll direct you to a legitimate site, but I might have first directed you to a specially crafted site I developped that runs an exploit kit. The kit will scan your workstation, find a software vulnerability it can exploit, drop it and then quickly redirect you to the legitimate site without you knowing.
The exploit will contact a command & control server, which will drop futher malware that will capture keystrokes and take snapshots of your screen in order to capture your banking/credit card credentials and anything else of value. I can sell this on the black market for huge profit as well. Hey for $200 on the black market, I can purchase a credit card, with a pin and guaranteed good credit.
I can safely assume your paypal account is tied to your personal e-mail address and may very likely use the same password. I can sell that information on the black market for huge profit. Especially when I may have compromised thousands of accounts.
There is huge money tied to these events. Criminal organizations are litterally fighting for command of people's workstations worldwide.
Don't use the same password everywhere.
Don't use the same e-mail address for your sensitive stuff
Keep software up to date (Microsoft, Java, Adobe etc... Vulnerabilities in software are found on a daily basis and outdated software is rife with them. These vulnerabilities are exploited using malware)