I don't see the point in owning a gun, unless you use it for competition/hunting. And some of those guns would stop a bull elephant!! I mean, would you guys honestly use it against someone who invades your home? I personally couldn't. Sure, I would do what I could to get the guy out of my house, but to stand there, and know what I am about to do will take a persons life,..that's tough.
That really shouldn't be the main reason to keep a gun in the first place. How often will that situation arise?? I know here in Australia, that would be almost never...maybe we don't fully appreciate what it IS like to live in the "burbs" of the US.
And that maybe is also, why Australia ranked the amongst the LOWEST in gun ownership. Maybe, like Michael Moore said, it's all about being afraid...(it leads to the dark side you know...

)..The security of knowing you have an arsenal in the basement capable of taking on a small army..
Maybe we take our relatively low crime/murder rate for granted, as compared to you guys. But, yeah..owning a gun or five in the US of A, is almost a given..
I know it is your RIGHT to have a gun...but, what's your REASON?