Uwe Boll's Disappearance

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Super Freak
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score

Wonder what happened to him. May not like his attitude or his extremely crappy movies, but I wouldn't wish death on him.
Publicity stunt?

Possibly. Or it could be even more serious. I think the article was posted back on the 19th and still no word.

EDIT: Scratch that, it was on the 15th and still no word.
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Well, If he's not dead, ( and beleive me, I would not be surprised, Most of the video game community wishes him dead, or atleast severely maimed enough to not make any more films) I hope he comes to his senses and stops making god awful film versons of games that make the Mario Bros. Movie look like an oscar level film.
If he actualy played some of the ga,es, he might not screw the storeis up so bad. Bloodrayne being a prime example. :rolleyes:
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Yeah, I don't think it's possible for him to learn how to make a good movie. If that is why he is missing we will never see him again.

I Seriously had to turn Bloodrayne off 15 minutes into it. I mean I hope the bastards not dead but I definitely hope he finds a new career.
Yeah, I don't think it's possible for him to learn how to make a good movie. If that is why he is missing we will never see him again.

I Seriously had to turn Bloodrayne off 15 minutes into it. I mean I hope the bastards not dead but I definitely hope he finds a new career.

I agree. I just can't understand who would even hire him as a director. Those people deserve to be flogged just as much as he. Not to mention the game companies actually allowing this guy to make movies of their creations.
The problem is, he has/had been able to get financing on his own. No one really "hired" him as much as he essentially hired himself.

Ok that makes sense. But who the hell is giving him these licenses? I blame those idiots then. :rotfl
Hopefully Uwe Boll can disappear from the film world and save me the trouble of watching his crappy trailers from his crappy movies
He "disappears" the same week his new movie opens in the US? Nope, nothing suspicious about that...
He "disappears" the same week his new movie opens in the US? Nope, nothing suspicious about that...

I just keep thinking of that line at the end of Seven. When Brad Pitt looks in the back seat and asks the guy something like your clearly insane. Do you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and say F%$K I'm insane. I think the same of Uwe Boll. Clearly he must know that he ranks pretty high on the meter of suck.
I Remember reading somewhere a year or so back then Hideo Kojima wanted to do a Metal gear film... and part of the liscence contract was that Uwe Boll was not goign to be allowed near it.