Valentine's Day -Lando's a coming!!!!!! (possibly)

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Why settle for less? Why no expectations for better?

Personally, I always felt the Medicom Yoda was way overpriced and he looks ill.

I lucked out and got the VCD Yoda on the cheap and he doesn't seem to have that ill expression in person - at least not to me. The sculpting and color are much better in hand imo. So I like it well enough. Perfect - not quite, but still cool.

I would be more than happy to pick up a Yoda form Sideshow - they just don't seem to be taking as many chances of late nor pushing the envelope with their releases. I will cheer the day I hear the words Chewbacca, droids or Yoda from Sideshow.

For me Lando is a step in the right direction (main character), but as a human character he doesn't push the envelope or bring anything new to the table.
I for one am very happy that Sideshow appears to be making Lando. I probably won't buy him because I am not a hardcore SW fan, but he is a great core character that has the potential to be a great PF.
Personally, I always felt the Medicom Yoda was way overpriced and had an ill looking expression.

I thought so too based on a few pics I saw but in person he is 100% yoda.
Yoda would be like 4" tall in 1/6th, so no Hobbit body would work. That body's too tall for Hobbits as it is.

The Salacious Crumb sculpt option is unfortunately the most likely way they'd go...

Of course, I'm betting on them just leaving Yoda behind, with Chewbacca and the droids. Too much specific work for a single character when they can sell a red, green and yellow Trooper.
Wor-Gar or Pix, do you remember that custom Yoda someone posted a while back with a poseable body made from GI:Joe parts or something? I can't find it, but I know it's on this board somewhere! That's what I'll probably make if Sideshow designs him like Crumb. I still would like Sideshow to release Yoda with multiple headsculpts with different expressions. I expect to pay $100+ for a Sideshow Yoda, so I might as well dream big, right?
I remember that pic.... I'll see if I can find it, but yeah. It really illustrated just how within the realm of possibility a good accurately scaled Yoda is.
I get the impression that some of you would rather have a Lando figure over a Yoda, R2-D2, C-3P0, or Chewie (setting aside for a moment the fact that Sideshow couldn't pull those off right now anyway).

This makes me want to punch a baby penguin in the face.
In that pic the bodies look about if not exactly the same height but most pics that I have seen they look drastically different.
Yes, that is an excellent design concept that I hope Sideshow takes a look at. But I also remember someone posting pics of a Yoda head on top of a custom armature made from GI:Joe parts. It looked quite odd without clothes on, but it really did have great articulation.
There are usually better deals to be had from members. Most estores jack the price up. I would just be patient and wait for a member to sell theirs.
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