Vampire Buffy was my Grail figure, the one I coveted the most, and the one I thought I would never possess. No one was more surprised or delighted than I when Sideshow made the announcement last Toy Fair.
I had some reservations when I saw the prototype pics. I could see the sculpt was excellent, but I thought the paint job was very bland and did little to bring out the spot-on likeness Oluf and Andy achieved. Additionally, the hair was much too orange and the pants were much too baggy. I resigned myself to the fact that I would be faced with repainting the head — something I've haven't attempted since my Aurora monster model days — but a small price to pay and worth the learning curve to realize the full potential of this figure. I figured I'd swap out the pants from the original Buffy Summers doll, even though Vamp Buffy would utilize the shorter body.
I must say I was very pleasantly surprised when I opened the flap of the box and got a look at her in person. What appears to be very heavy shading around the eyes and between the lips and chin in the pics Dave and Firefly Flanatic posted, is much more subtle and smoothly blended in to the basic skin tone. I don't like the thin red lines of paint on the top of the ridge lines of the bumpies on the brow and forehead, and under the cheekbones on the face. I know it's much too impractical and labor-intensive to do on an assembly line, but a better way to bring out the bumpies is by shading under and around the contours of the ridges.
The color of the hair is much improved, closer to the honey blonde of season one. I do wish there was a more elegant solution for attaching the two stands of hair that frame her face to the rest of her noggin. But, in the plus column, it's Bergholtz hair! Another blessing to count.
The pants though much improved over the proto's, are still too loose. The jacket is a bit of a disappointment, too. First, the fabric is much too thin, and second — and I've seen "Nightmares" more times than a man my age should readily admit — the jacket is some sort of pleather.
Though not 100% episode accurate, I'm glad to see the rings are on all the appropriate fingers of her hands — that's nice attention to detail. But I am disappointed that the earrings are just generic hoops. Buffy wore a stud and a drop hoop in her right ear, and two hoops and a drop in her left in that ep.
I've got a couple of extra Vamp Buffys on the way from a 3-party retailer to experiment upon. What I'd like to do is brighten the eyes, add some highlights to the hair, blend the strands in better, and generally repaint as in this colorization:
Don't have a clue about what to do to correct the earrings.
I know I'm looking at this figure under an electron microscope at highest power, picking at what are some very teeny teeny, tiny tiny nits, but as I said at the top of this post, this is my Grail figure. My beloved Vampire Buffy. And, my mantra: The Devil is in the details. It's the little things that make a figure come to life.
So just to be clear how pleased I am overall, let me add: OMG!!! She is sooo totally and awesomely amazing!!! OMG!!! I love her!!! OMG!!!
Now, where's my next most wanted: